Sun Pharma manufactures the prescription medicine Modalert 200 mg. Typically, it is used to help regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle and lessen or avoid daytime drowsiness. However, Modalert is not classified as an amphetamine-containing stimulant. Instead, it is a eugeroic, which are medications that increase wakefulness and alertness in those who struggle to remain awake during the day. Buy Modalert 200Mg Online at a cheap price at

How does Modalert Function?

Each Modalert 200 pill contains Modafinil, which was developed in the 1980s by the French pharmaceutical firm L. Lafon Ltd. As a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, modafinil stops the body from eliminating unabsorbed dopamine.

Dopamine is an essential molecule that enables the body and brain to connect. When dopamine levels are low, it is difficult for the body to determine when it should be awake and when it should be asleep. By preventing the clearance of unabsorbed dopamine, Modafinil helps to increase brain concentrations.