Mechatronics-oriented mathematics homeworks

  • Last Post 01 May 2017
Salman posted this 19 April 2017


How about giving access to a simple DC motor, through IoT, to undergraduate students taking differential equations and linear algebra courses? 

Students should be able to learn stability of linear differential equations through dealing with such an IoT-connected motor. 

It will save money and time and more importantly will attract students into STEM philosophy.

Any thoughts?


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  • Nima
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tlee posted this 25 April 2017

Interesting. I've always wanted some physical systems-based activity to help put diff equ's into context. Unfortunately, most DE courses fail to stress the modeling aspects of DEs and students tend to see the course as general math :-(

What kind of activities did you have in mind? I agree this is an important topic.


Nima posted this 01 May 2017

Hello Salman,

This is a very interesting idea. The platform could also be designed such that it is applicable in general freshman classes, such as Intro to Engineering. Do you have a working prototype? I would be interested in talking about further collaborations opportunities. 

with regards,
